The 12 Principles of Therapy

1. This is your therapy journey, and the therapist is here to guide you in reaching your goals and dreams and desires.

2. You will never be pressured to talk about something you aren’t ready to. 

3. God is the ultimate healer.  Therapists are wounded healers.  Therapy is one of God’s tools for healing the emotional wounds of His people.

4. We have the privilege and responsibility to be co-facilitators with God in our own healing journey.

5. Therapist and client together are equal in God’s eyes and work together to find practical solutions, while resolving deep wounds of which we are often unaware.

6. Seeking counsel is Biblical and pleasing to God.

7. There is no shame in asking for help.

8. Mental and emotional struggles are just a real and valid as physical ones.

9. God heals our wounds in the context of relationship, with Him and with one another.  The therapist client relationship is used as an instrument of God’s healing.

10. Therapy works when there is a safe, trusting, open and honest relationship between therapist and client.   This sense of safety and trust is built together by client and therapist based on scriptural principals of equality, mutual respect, unconditional positive regard, compassion and understanding.

11. Therapy can be short term or long term, and it is your decision how long to remain in therapy.

12. Therapy is goal oriented, and solution focused, beginning with the end in mind.  Working toward clear tangible goals will help therapy be successful and progress measured along the way.


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