Family Therapy

Coastal Christian Counseling provides in-person appointments in Long Beach, MS, and also online appointments to Gulfport, Biloxi and surrounding communities.

Family therapy is recognizing that the family unit is hurting and broken and can be improved.  Family bonds are challenged today more than ever.  Parents need support and help in raising children.  Adult children need support in finding their way in life.  Grandparents today are often called upon to step in and raise their grandchildren.  Divorce affects fifty percent of families and creates challenges of step parenting, co parenting, and single parenting. Family therapy is working together to heal and strengthen family bonds, relationships, and bring healing to the family unit.  Family therapy can be any group of two or more related people.  (adult children and parents, grandparents and grandchild, couples, blended families, co parenting families, in law struggles, etc….)Goals of family therapy include increasing communication, resolving conflict, and problem solving to resolve unresolved family business.    


Please feel free to contact me!